
Custom Queries

PORM also allows you to run custom queries. You can do this by calling the raw method. The raw method takes the SQL query as the first argument and the bindings as the second argument.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->raw('select * from posts where id = :id', ['id' => 1]);

var_dump($data); // array of data

In this raw queries, from is required to initialise the query but the passed table name is not used in the query.


Handling transactions here can be done in two ways.

Using the inTransaction method

You can start a transaction by calling the inTransaction method. The inTransaction method takes a closure as the first argument. The closure should contain the queries to run in the transaction.

2use Porm\Porm;
4Porm::from("posts")->inTransaction(function() {
5    Porm::from('posts')->save(['title' => 'Hello', 'content' => 'World']);
6    Porm::from('posts')->save(['title' => 'Hello', 'content' => 'World']);

Line 4 defines the table name but this is just a formality. The table name is not used in the transaction queries.

To access the data from the transaction outside the transaction, you can use the use keyword on the closure.

 2use Porm\Porm;
 4$data = null;
 6Porm::from("posts")->inTransaction(function() use (&$data) {
 7    $data = Porm::from('posts')->save(['title' => 'Hello', 'content' => 'World']);
10if ($data) {
11    var_dump($data); // the saved object

This takes care of committing and rolling back of the transactions automatically.

Using the pdo transactions

While the above method will do everything for you, we understand that you might want to have more control over the transactions. You can do this by using the pdo method.

use Porm\Porm;

$posts = Porm::from('posts');


// your queries here


If you want to rollback the transaction, you can call the rollBack method.

use Porm\Porm;

$posts = Porm::from('posts');


// your queries here


Advanced Filtering

Using the where method

You can perform advanced filters using the where method. You can chain as many of these as you want. You can use this method with both all and get methods.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->where([id => 1])->all();

$data = Porm::from('posts')->where([age => 10])->where([name => 'Pionia'])->all();

var_dump($data); // array of data

All conditions that passed as array conditions are treated as AND conditions.

Using the filter method

In Porm, whenever you call the filter you teleport to a new query builder that enables you to perform more complex queries.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->filter([id => 10])->all();

var_dump($data); // array of data

Using the Where Instance

You can also use the Where instance to perform more complex queries.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')
  // add more conditions here

var_dump($data); // array of data

Where.add() method can be used to add more conditions to the query.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')

  ->add('id', 10)
  ->add('name', 'Pionia')

var_dump($data); // array of data

The add() method can also take up an entire Where instance.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')

  ->add('id' => 10)
  ->add('name' => 'Pionia')
    ->add('age' => 10)
    ->add('time' => '2023-06-13')

// select * from posts where id = 10 and name = 'Pionia' and (age = 10 and time = '2023-06-13')

var_dump($data); // array of data

You can also use or() method to add OR conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')

  ->add('id' => 10)
  ->add('name' => 'Pionia')
    ->add('age' => 10)
    ->or('time' => '2023-06-13')

// select * from posts where id = 10 and name = 'Pionia' or (age = 10 or time = '2023-06-13')

var_dump($data); // array of data

If you notice the return type of the build() method, it is an array. This makes this more powerful as you can pass the Where instance to other methods that accept an array of conditions.

Limit and Offset - Pagination

You can limit the number of results returned by using the limit method. The limit method takes the number of results to return as the first argument.

These are available on the filter method.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->filter()->limit(10)->all();

var_dump($data); // array of data

You can also use the startAt method to skip the first n results.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->filter()->limit(10)->startAt(10)->all();

var_dump($data); // array of data

Order By

You can order the results by using the orderBy method. The orderBy method takes the column to order by as the first argument and the order as the second argument.

You can order in two ways:

By column name :-

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->filter()->orderBy('name')->all();

var_dump($data); // array of data

By one or more columns and the order :-

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')
->orderBy(['name' => 'DESC']) // any number of columns can be passed

var_dump($data); // array of data


You can group the results by using the group method. The group method takes the column(s) to group by as the first argument.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')

var_dump($data); // array of data

You can also group by multiple columns.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')
->group(['name', 'age'])

var_dump($data); // array of data


You can filter the grouped results by using the having method. The having method takes the column to filter by as the first argument and the condition as the second argument.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->filter()
->having('age', 10)

var_dump($data); // array of data

You can also use any of the operators as the third argument.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')
->having('age', 10, '>=')

var_dump($data); // array of data