Making Queries

This section assumes you have alredy completed configuring the database from the Configuration Section.


Under this section, we will look at how to make queries to the database using the PORM - Pionia ORM. Queries are used to interact with the database and retrieve data. PORM provides a set of tools and conventions that make it easy to interact with the database in PHP.

Retrieving Data

You can retrieve a single item from the database or multiple items at ago. In Porm, not all methods query the database. Some methods are used to build the query and return the query object.

Retrieving a Single Item

To retrieve a single item from the database, you can use the get method. This method returns an object or NULL if no matching record is found.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->get(1); // select * from users where id = 1

If the an integer or string is provided for the get method, it is assumed to be the primary key of the table. If an array is provided, it is assumed to be the where clause.

You can also provide an integer or string and determine the column name to use as the primary key.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->get(1, 'user_id'); // select * from users where user_id = 1

Conditions can also be provided as an array. The array should contain the column name as the key and the value as the value. This is one way of building a where clause.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('users')->get(['user_id' => 1, 'age' => 10]); // select * from users where user_id = 1 and age = 10

All array conditions passed to the get method are joined by AND.

$data will contain the object or NULL if no matching record is found.

The get method queries the database. So you should always call the get method last.

Fetching multiple records

To fetch all data from the table, you can use the all method. This method, just like the get method, can take up array conditions and also queries the database. Therefore, you should always call the all method last.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->all();

var_dump($data); // array of data

You can also specify the columns to fetch by using the columns method. This is useful when you only need specific columns from the table and can be used before all methods that query the database.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->columns('id', 'title')->all();

var_dump($data); // array of data

You can filter the data by providing the array of conditions to the all method just like we did with the get method.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->all(['id' => 1]); // select * from posts where id = 1

var_dump($data); // array of data

The all method unlike the get method, returns an array of data or an empty array if no matching record is found.

Random Records

To get random data from the table, you can use the random method. The random method takes the number of results to return as the first argument.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->random(10);

var_dump($data); // array of data

You can also pass an array of conditions to the random method.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->random(10, ['name' => 'Pionia']);

var_dump($data); // array of data

To get just one random item, you can pass 1 or ignore the length.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->random();

var_dump($data); // object of data

The random method queries the database. So you should always call the random method last. Also, if you query one item, random will return an object, but if you define length greater than one, it will return an array.

Inserting Data

To insert data into the table, you can use the save method. The save method takes an array of data to insert into the table and returns the saved object.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->save(['title' => 'Hello', 'content' => 'World']);

var_dump($data); // the saved object

The save method hits the database. So you should always call the save method last.

Updating Data

To update data in the table, you can use the update method. The update method takes an array of data to update in the table and the condition to filter the data on.

This method returns a PDOStatement object. You can get the number of rows affected by calling the rowCount method on the returned object.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')
->update(['title' => 'Hello', 'content' => 'World'], ['id' => 1]);
// update posts set title = 'Hello', content = 'World' where id = 1

var_dump($data->rowCount()); // the number of rows affected

The update method hits the database. So you should always call the update method last.

Deleting Data

To delete data from the table, you can use the delete method. The delete method takes the condition to filter the data on.

This method returns a PDOStatement object. You can get the number of rows affected by calling the rowCount method on the returned object.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->delete(['id' => 1]);

var_dump($data->rowCount()); // the number of rows affected

This method can also be used to delete all data from the table that matches the condition. Passing an empty array will delete all data from the table.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->deleteAll([]);

var_dump($data->rowCount()); // the number of rows affected

The two methods delete and deleteAll do exactly the same thing. deleteAll is just an alias for delete.

You can also delete data based on the primary key id.

use Porm\Porm;

$id = 2
$data = Porm::from('posts')->deleteById($id); // delete from posts where id = 2


Has Data

To check if data exists in the table, you can use the has method. The has method takes the condition to filter the data on.

This method returns a boolean value.

use Porm\Porm;

$data = Porm::from('posts')->has(['id' => 1]);

var_dump($data); // true or false

The has method queries the database. So you should always call the has method last.

Passing a string to has queries the database for the primary key id.

use Porm\Porm;

$id = '123'
$data = Porm::from('posts')->has($id);

var_dump($data); // true or false