
This section assumes you have alredy completed configuring the database from the Configuration Section.


From v1.0.6 of Porm, you can now query relationships directly. If you’re using our generic services, most of this has already been taken care of for you. However,if you’re the kind that loves control or less magic, you can read ahead to see how you can query relationships directly.

Supported Relationships

Porm supports the following joins:

  • Inner Join
  • Left Join
  • Right Join
  • Full Join

Teleporting to the join verse.

If you haven’t noticed it, in Porm, when you call the filter method, you teleport to the advanced filtering universe. The same way, when you call the join method, you teleport to the join universe.

Let’s start with an example. Imagine we have two tables, products and categories. The products table has a category_id column that relates to the id column in the categories table.

    ->inner("categories", "products.category_id =")