Using Functions - Aggregation

This section assumes you have alredy completed configuring the database from the Configuration Section.

Also, for basic knowledge and understanding, please first look at the Making Queries Section


This section covers database functions that can be used to aggregate data in the database. Aggregation functions are used to perform calculations on the data in the database. These functions can be used to calculate the sum, average, minimum, maximum, and count of the data in the database.

Inbuilt Aggregation Functions

Some common aggregation functions have already been implemented in PORM. These functions can be used to perform calculations on the data in the database directly.


The count function is used to count the number of records in the database. This function can be used to count the number of records in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->count(); // select count(*) from users

You can also provide a column name to count the number of records in the database that have a value in the specified column.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->count('age'); // select count(age) from users

You can also provide conditions to count the number of records in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->count('age', ['age' => 10]); // select count(*) from users where age = 10

The count function returns the number of records in the database that meet the specified conditions.


The sum function is used to calculate the sum of the values in a column in the database. This function can be used to calculate the sum of the values in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->sum('age'); // select sum(age) from users

You can also provide conditions to calculate the sum of the values in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->sum('age', ['age' => 10]); // select sum(age) from users where age = 10

The sum function returns the sum of the values in the column in the database that meet the specified conditions.

All methods that take in a condition can be called after the “where” method. This is because the “where” method is used to build the where clause for the query.


The avg function is used to calculate the average of the values in a column in the database. This function can be used to calculate the average of the values in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->avg('age'); // select avg(age) from users

You can also provide conditions to calculate the average of the values in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->avg('age', ['age' => 10]); // select avg(age) from users where age = 10

The avg function returns the average of the values in the column in the database that meet the specified conditions.


The max function is used to calculate the maximum value in a column in the database. This function can be used to calculate the maximum value in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->max('age'); // select max(age) from users

You can also provide conditions to calculate the maximum value in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->max('age', ['age' => 10]); // select max(age) from users where age = 10

The max function returns the maximum value in the column in the database that meet the specified conditions.


The min function is used to calculate the minimum value in a column in the database. This function can be used to calculate the minimum value in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->min('age'); // select min(age) from users

You can also provide conditions to calculate the minimum value in a column in the database that meet certain conditions.

use Porm\Porm;

Porm::from('users')->min('age', ['age' => 10]); // select min(age) from users where age = 10

The min function returns the minimum value in the column in the database that meet the specified conditions.

All the above methods query the database and return the result. Therefore, you should always call these methods last.

Using the Agg Builder

We have also put aside a builder class that can be used to build more complex aggregation queries. The Agg builder comes with a number of methods to cover your aggregation needs.

Initializing the Agg Builder

To initialize the Agg builder, you can use the builder method.

You must finally call the build method to get the actually build your generated aggregates.

use Porm\database\aggregation\Agg;

$agg = Agg::builder()
// add here your aggregation functions

Agg builder comes with a number of methods that can be used to build the aggregation query. They include


use Porm\database\aggregation\Agg;

$agg = Agg::builder()
    ->random('name', 'names') // rand(names) as names


use Porm\database\aggregation\Agg;

$agg = Agg::builder()
    ->avg('age', 'average_age') // avg(age) as average_age


Compare the value of two columns in the database. In comparison we use operators like =, >, <, !=.

use Porm\database\aggregation\Agg;

$agg = Agg::builder()
    ->columnsCompare('price', '>', '10') // age > 10


Used to add a like condition to a query

$user = Porm::from("todos")
                ->like('title', $name)

          // select * from todos where title like '%$name%'


Used to add a not like condition to a query

$user = Porm::from("todos")
                ->notLike('title', $name)

          // select * from todos where title not like '%$name%'


Used to divide a column by a certain value in the database

$user = Porm::from("todos")
                ->div('total', 5)

// select total/5 from todos


Adds a between check on a column. It checks if the value of the given column is between two given points.

$results = Porm::from("todos")
        ->between('id', [1, 10])

// select * from todos where id between 1 and 10


Checks if the value of the given column is not between the given points.

$results = Porm::from("todos")
        ->notBetween('id', [1, 10])


Jsonify the given value and assigns it to the given column.

                ->jsonified('someAlias', ['x'=>1, 'y'=>5])

// select JSON('x', 1, 'y', 5) as someAlias from todos


Multiplies a column by a certain value in the database

                ->of('age', 10)

// select someAlias*10 from todos


Subtracts a column by a certain value in the database

                ->minus('age', 10)

// select someAlias-10 from todos


Adds a column by a certain value in the database

                ->plus('age', 10)

// select someAlias+10 from todos


Opposite of eq. Checks if the value of the given column is equal to the given value.

                ->eq('age', 10)

// select someAlias=10 from todos


Opposite of eq. Checks if the value of the given is not equal to the given value.

                ->neq('age', 10)

// select someAlias!=10 from todos


Assigns the current timestamp to the given alias or column.

        ->update(Agg::builder()->now("updated_at")->build(), 1); // update todos set updated_at = now() where id =1


Check if the column value is less than the given value.

    ->where(Agg::builder()->lt('age', 20)->build())


Checks if the column value is less than or equal to the given value.

    ->where(Agg::builder()->lte('age', 20)->build())


Checks if the column value is greater than the given value.

            ->where(Agg::builder()->gt('age', 20)->build())


Checks if the column value is greater than or equal the given value.

            ->where(Agg::builder()->gte('age', 20)->build())


This can be used in two ways. The first way is where a uuid is provided and the other way is where you want to sign a unique random uuid to a column.

$agg = Agg::builder()->uuid('code')->build() // code = uuid()

// or with an existing one.

$agg = Agg::builder()->uuid('code', $myCoolUuid)->build() // code = '$myCoolUuid'


Gets the maximum value of the given column and assigns it to the given alias

$agg = Agg::builder()->max('maxAge', 'age')->build() // MAX(age) as maxAge


Gets the minimum value of the given column and assigns it to the given alias

$agg = Agg::builder()->min('maxAge', 'age')->build() // MIN(age) as maxAge


Gets the sum of the given column and assigns it to the given alias.

$agg = Agg::builder()->sum('maxAge', 'age')->build() // SUM(age) as maxAge


If all above don’t work for you, you can use this aggregation function to provide your own regular expression that the db should check against.

$agg = Agg::builder()->regex('name', '^d')->build() // name ~ '^d'

Chaining multiple

You can chain as many aggregations as you with till you call the build() method.

$agg = Agg::builder()
    ->regex('name', '^d')
    ->gte('age', 10)

    // name ~ '^d' and age >= 10