API Versioning in Moonlight


In Moonlight, every switch is directly associated to a version of your api. This means that, to get another version of the api, you just need to roll out a new service including only those services that are going to be available in the new version of the api. This is how moonlight approaches api versioning.

At its core, Moonlight still uses a controller paradigm but this is just one for your entire application. This controller is used capture all exceptions in your services and return a response to the client.

Below is an example of a switch in Moonlight based on Pionia Framework.

namespace application\services;

use Pionia\Core\BaseApiServiceSwitch;
use application\services\UserService;

class VersionOneSwitch extends BaseApiServiceSwitch
     * Register your services here.
     * @return array
    public function registerServices(): array
        return [
            'user' => new UserService(), // this service will be available in version one of the api.

For the above switch to be available in the application, you need to register it your app routes.

According to Pionia, the routes.php file is used to register the switches that should be auto-dicovered.

use Pionia\Core\Routing\PioniaRouter;

$router = new PioniaRouter();

* This registers the switch for version one of the api.
* This will be served at /api/v1/
$router->addSwitchFor("application\switches\MainApiSwitch", "v1");