Logging in Pionia

At its core, Pionia uses the Monolog library to handle logging.


Logging is inbuilt in Pionia. To view the logs in real-time, you can run the following command in a different terminal window pointing to your log file, which is by default server.log:

tail -f server.log # replace server.log with your log file


Anywhere in your app, just call the logger constant to log messages. The following log levels are available:

public function getItem(): ?object
    logger->info("Getting item");
    logger->debug("Getting item");
    logger->critical("Getting item");
    logger->error("Getting item");
    logger->warning("Getting item");
    logger->notice("Getting item");
    logger->alert("Getting item");
    logger->emergency("Getting item");
    $data = $this->request->getData();
    $id = $data[$this->pk_field];
    $item = Porm::from($this->table)->columns($this->listColumns)->get($id);
    logger->info("Gotten item");
    return $item;

The above code will log messages at different levels. You can then view the logs in the server.log file.

[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809573+00:00] pionia.INFO >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809623+00:00] pionia.DEBUG >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809654+00:00] pionia.CRITICAL >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809680+00:00] pionia.ERROR >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809706+00:00] pionia.WARNING >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809728+00:00] pionia.NOTICE >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809751+00:00] pionia.ALERT >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.809773+00:00] pionia.EMERGENCY >> Getting item ::  
[2024-07-08T15:29:28.811627+00:00] pionia.INFO >> Gotten item :: 


Log File

You can change the file to log to by defining the log destination in the settings.ini file:


If you want to log to php://stdout, you can define the log destination as stdout.


Log Format

You can also change the log format by defining the log format in the settings.ini file:


Log formats can be TEXT or JSON.

Logging Settings

You can define the sections of settings.ini you want to log along:


Securing Log Entries

You can hide sensitive information from the logs by defining the sensitive fields in the settings.ini file:


The above means that whenever a log entry contains any of the fields password, pin, or acc, the value will be replaced with *******.

You can also define the string to replace the sensitive fields with:


Turning off logs

You can simply turn off DEBUG mode in the settings.ini file:


However much this is okay, but sometimes, if not most times, we would want to leave the logs on even when we are not in DEBUG mode.

The following settings can be defined in the settings.ini file:

Logging Requests

You can log requests by defining the LOG_REQUESTS setting in the settings.ini file:


Whether in DEBUG or not, if the above is turned on, all requests will be logged. By default, this attempts to log both the requests and responses. However, Responses are sometimes heavy and you may choose to omit them. You can do so by defining the LOG_RESPONSES setting in the settings.ini file:


Also, defining the LOG_RESPONSES setting as true will log only the responses without the requests.

With version 1.1.4, you can also define which Monolog processors you would like to include.

You can achieve this by defining the LOG_PROCESSORS setting in the settings.ini file:

LOG_PROCESSORS=Monolog\Processor\ProcessIdProcessor, Monolog\Processor\MemoryUsageProcessor

By default, no processor is added to the logger.

With the above, you app now logs the process id and memory usage in the logs.

Renaming the logs.

By default, all logs indicate the pionia prefix. You can change this by defining the APP_NAME setting in the settings.ini file:


The above will change the prefix to blog.

Log Rotation

Pionia avoids dictating how you should handle log rotation. You can use the logrotate utility to rotate logs. Here is an example configuration for log rotation:

/path/to/your/log/file {
    rotate 7

There is a cool article about handling log rotation here.

That’s it! You now know how to log in Pionia.