Requests and Responses

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Handling Requests and Responses

In Pionia all actions take up request data as associated array, and return a BaseResponse object. This guide will show you how to handle requests and responses in pionia.


Pionia framework supports only HTTP verbs due to its single endpoint nature. The supported HTTP verbs are:

  • GET This is used to ping api endpoints for every api version you roll out. This implies that every time you create a new switch, you get this action for free.

GET Request

Remember all switches are matching a certain version of your api. The default MainApiSwitch matches v1 of your api.

If you want to ping the v1 of your api, you can use the GET request.

GET http://localhost:8000/api/v1/

This will respond with the following:

  "returnCode": 0,
  "returnMessage": "pong",
  "returnData": {
    "framework": "Pionia",
    "version": "1.1.7",
    "port": 8000,
    "uri": "/api/v1/",
    "schema": "http"
  "extraData": null

This is the only use of the GET verb in Pionia. All other actions are done using the POST verb.

  • POST

Every request you make to Pionia is POST. This is because Pionia is a single endpoint framework.

So for all the examples that will be mentioned below, you will assume the POST verb.


The endpoint is the URL where your api is hosted. In Pionia, the endpoint is the same for every version of your api. The only thing that changes is the request body. Each switch matches an endpoint. The default MainApiSwitch matches the /api/v1/ endpoint.

All switches alongside their versions are registered in the routes.php file. This file is located in the app directory.

The highligted code below shows how the MainApiSwitch is registered in the routes.php file. If no version is defined, then Pionia assumes v1 as the default version.

3use Pionia\Core\Routing\PioniaRouter;
5$router = new PioniaRouter();
9return $router->getRoutes();

To add a second version of the api, you can add a new switch and register it in the routes.php file.

2use Pionia\Core\Routing\PioniaRouter;
4$router = new PioniaRouter();
7         ->addSwitchFor("application\switches\SecondApiSwitch", "v2");
9return $router->getRoutes();

This will register the SecondApiSwitch to the /api/v2/ endpoint.


This also implies that all switches registered in the routes.php originate from the /api/ endpoint.

This is all you need to know about Pionia Routing!

Request Data

Pionia supports both JSON and FormData data. Whereas using both is possible, it is recommended to use JSON data unless you are uploading files.

Every action has access to the request data as an associated array. This data is passed to the action as the first argument.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    // your code here

You can access the data in the action as shown below:


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $name = $data['name'];
    $email = $data['email'];

    // your code here

However, the above data won’t include the files if you are uploading files, you can access them from the second parameter $files.


The files parameter is a symfony FileBag object. A file bag is generally a collection of uploaded files.

To get one file from the file bag, you can use the get method.

public function action(array $data, FileBag $files): BaseResponse
    $file = $files->get('file');

    $name = $data['name'];
    $email = $data['email'];

    // your code here

Marking Request Data as required

In your action you can define data that must be present in the request. This is done by calling the requires method on the service instance.


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $this->requires(['name', 'email']);

    $name = $data['name'];
    $email = $data['email'];

    // your code here

This will check if the $data array or the $files FileBag contains the name and email keys. If any of the keys are missing, the action will abort.

You can also use the method to check one key at a time.


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $this->requires('name'); // can  be a string too

    $name = $data['name'];
    $email = $data['email'];

    // your code here

Whereas you can use the requires method on a single key, you should always prefer checking all your keys at once using an array.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $this->requires(['name', 'email']);

    $name = $data['name'];
    $email = $data['email'];

    // your code here

Validating Request Data

Pionia provides a simple way to validate request data. Helper methods are already available on the service instance.

For all the helper methods provided, you can override the underlying regex pattern by passing a custom pattern as the second argument.


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here

International Phone Number

You can also validate international phone numbers. The second argument is the country code you want to validate against. This is optional.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $this->asPhoneNumber($data['phone'], '+254');

    // your code here


Strong Passwords have rules that they must adhere to. You can validate passwords using the asPassword method. Rules considered are:

  • At least one uppercase letter
  • At least one lowercase letter
  • At least one digit
  • At least one special character
  • At least 8 characters long
public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here


This checks for both Integers and Floats.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here


This checks for numbers and numbers in string format.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here

Numeric Integers

This checks for integers and integers in string format.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here

Mac Address

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here


public function action(array $data): BaseResponse

    // your code here

Should Be

This is a special method that allows you to define a custom validation. The second argument can be a regex or anything to match.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $this->shouldBe($data['custom'], '/^([a-zA-Z0-9\s_\\.\-:])+$/');

    // your code here

All Should Be

Checks if all the keys in the array are valid. The second argument is the validation method to use.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $this->allShouldBe($data, '/^([a-zA-Z0-9\s_\\.\-:])+$/');

    // your code here

Custom Validation

You can also define a custom validation using the validate method. The method should return a boolean or int.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    $this->validate(string $regex, mixed $data, $message = 'Invalid data');

    // your code here


All responses that hit the application server return a 200 OK status code. And as a result, Pionia returns back the power to define the return code of the response. This is done by returning a BaseResponse object.

Pionia returns a BaseResponse object for every action. This object is used to send responses back to the client.

This response consists of the following fields:

  • returnCode: This is the return code of the response. It is an integer and is required.
  • returnMessage: This is the return message of the response. It is a string or null.
  • returnData: This is the return data of the response. It is an array or null.
  • extraData: This is any extra data you want to send back. It is an array or null.


In Pionia, wherever you’re, you can throw an exception. This will be caught by the framework and the response will be sent back to the client.

Therefore, to abort any action or task on going, you can just throw an exception with clear message.

public function action(array $data): BaseResponse
    throw new Exception('This is an exception message that will stop this action from proceeding');


By default, Pionia reserves returnCode of 0 for successful responses. This is just a convention, and you can use any other code you want.